How To Find The Right TEFL Job For You

Everyone who wants to teach EFL, wants the “perfect” or “dream” TEFL job, so exactly how is the best way to accomplish this goal.  Below are four key factors to ensure you get a great teaching job.


One of the most common core skills tested in a TEFL interview is the ability to adapt when faced with something unexpected!  Employers want to know that their new teacher won’t go running for the hills within a week. Any travel experience is a great way to show adaptability, but if you don’t have this, then how about succeeding in any new environment, like work or university.

Work Experience:

As most entry level TEFL jobs will include working with children, include any and all examples of this on your application. Do you have any childcare experience or perhaps you helped out at a school summer camp? If you’ve mentored young people, this will also help to put you at the top of the resume pile. The rule of thumb here is no matter how little experience you have – flaunt it.

Cultural Sensitivity:

One of the best things about living overseas is the opportunity it gives you to experience a country’s culture first hand. Employers want to know that you’ll be sensitive to their ways; whether that’s unusual food or afternoon siesta (we’re sure you could get used to that)! A great way to set yourself apart from other applicants is to talk about how much you want to live in that country. Do a little research about the country and sound extra excited by asking lots of questions about your role, the school and the students.

Accredited TEFL Course:

Not all TEFL courses are the same.  Make sure the course you take is accredited by an international organization and that your certificate is accepted worldwide.  It is critical that you have at least ten hours of observed teaching practice, so that you will know how to actually teach when you find your new job.  Look for a TEFL program that not only provides you training, but also continuing support after you have obtained your certification.

If you completed your TEFL course with TEFL Zorritos, you will be prepared to start your teaching career and will have a guaranteed job waiting for you when you have completed our course.  

What could be better?  Study in a beautiful Peruvian beach town at our beach-front outdoor training centre with great accommodations available, including delicious local food.  Fully accredited 120 Hour TEFL course that provides you with 10 advanced certifications at absolutely no extra cost!  And a guaranteed job waiting for you when you complete the course.

Class sizes are limited, so don’t wait, make your reservation today!