TEFL Zorritos offers FREE Surf Classes as part of our TEFL Certificate Course with the renowned local surf school “Hands & Surf”! What a way to relax on the weekend; hanging out in the warm ocean, learning how to ride waves like a Zorriteno. You will receive a 2 hour surf class each weekend for the duration of your course, delivered by the local surf school and their super-experienced instructors. Read more to find out all about it…
The Hands & Surf Team with some happy surfers
Hands & Surf was established in 2007 and began as a community youth project to teach young local kids how to surf. It was started by two local surfers, Willy & Coco, and has grown over time thanks to support from international tourists who have come to the north of Peru to surf and supported the school through surfboards and donations. It is now a popular surf school, headed by the aptly named Coco Beach who has been surfing for more than 16 years and has over 6 years of experience as a surf instructor. Coco is supported by a team of four other instructors and supervisors to ensure that classes always go smoothly, however the smooth breaking waves of Zorritos are made for beginners and it’s a great place to learn, or polish up on your surfing skills. Surfboards are available in various sizes and suited to all levels, from beginners to professionals and all of the equipment is included – they’ll even take some photos of you riding the waves.
Check out the Hands & Surf Facebook Page
The now famous silhouette which became a fashion label
As the head instructor of Hands & Surf, Coco is a bit of a local celebrity which is why most people know him as Coco Beach; this nickname has now transcended to become its own label & the Coco Beach t-shirts, which sports images of Zorritos on the back, are popular with locals and tourists alike.
Coco also organises the local surfing competitions and surfing tours to the hottest surfing spots Peru has to offer – Lobitos and Huanchaco. Lobitos has world-class waves and regularly hosts international surfing competitions; it is a small beach with just a few houses outside of Talara which is approximately four hours from Zorritos. Due to its small size and the difficulty involved in getting there, a tour with someone in the know is highly recommended. Huanchaco is a small town and beach located just outside of Trujillo, a city approximately eight hours south of Zorritos. Huanchaco, like Lobitos, is also famous for it’s waves and has been declared a World Surfing Reserve.
Check out Coco Beach’s Facebook Page and more Surfing Pics